Saturday, May 23, 2020

9 claves para green card por VAWA (violencia domstica)

Las và ­ctimas de violencia domà ©stica podrà ­an tener derecho a solicitar una tarjeta de residencia (green card) para sà ­ mismas, en cumplimiento de un programa que se conoce como VAWA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s.  Esto son 9 puntos a tener en cuenta antes de iniciar el proceso. Matrimonio legal La và ­ctima tiene que estar casada con un ciudadano americano o un residente permanente legal. En el caso de convivir juntos pero no estar casados o de estar casados con un no residente no se puede aplicar por VAWA, pero podrà ­a haber otras opciones, como la visa U para và ­ctimas de violencia. En algunos casos es posible que tambià ©n obtengan beneficios por VAWA los hijos y los padres de ciudadanos o residentes permanentes. Tiene que haber abuso Pero no tiene que ser exclusivamente fà ­sico. Puede ser psicolà ³gico, emocional o, incluso financiero.  Por ejemplo, es abuso amenazar al cà ³nyuge con llamar a Inmigracià ³n para que le deporte o con quitarle o esconderle los hijos. Lo importante es  que tiene que producirse una situacià ³n que, en su conjunto, pruebe que hay abuso, control y crueldad por parte de un esposo sobre el otro. La infidelidad no es considerado abuso. Asà ­ que si el problema es un asunto de cachos (cuernos), no aplica VAWA. El abuso tiene que demostrarse Pero no es necesario tener un reporte policial, fotos que muestren golpizas, informes mà ©dicos, etc. Ya que en muchos casos serà ¡ suficiente si hay testigos que oyeron o vieron el abuso. Es muy importante hablar con un abogado de inmigracià ³n experto en temas de violencia domà ©stica para buscar la mejor estrategia para poder probar el abuso. La và ­ctima del abuso puede ser el cà ³nyuge del ciudadano o residente o el hijo/a del abusado, si es menor de 21 aà ±os y està ¡ soltero. La và ­ctima puede ser un hombre o una mujer A pesar del nombre -VAWA son las iniciales en inglà ©s de la Ley de Violencia contra Mujeres- lo cierto es que pueden aplicar tanto los hombres como las mujeres, ya que ambos pueden ser và ­ctimas. Es cierto que en la inmensa mayorà ­a de los casos las và ­ctimas son mujeres, particularmente en los casos de violencia fà ­sica. Pero tambià ©n hay numerosos supuestos de abuso psicolà ³gico o financiero en contra de los hombres.   Green card condicional por dos aà ±os En casos de matrimonio con ciudadano en los que se tiene una green card condicional no es necesario esperar con el cà ³nyuge que abusa a que se cumplan esos dos aà ±os para levantar la condicionalidad. Si se vive una condicià ³n de abuso es recomendable asesorarse con un abogado antes de tomar ninguna decisià ³n. Pero hay que saber que la ley permite levantar la condicionalidad sin el consentimiento e incluso conocimiento del cà ³nyuge que abusa y, por lo tanto, no hay obligacià ³n de seguir viviendo con à ©l (o ella). Quedarse en la casa con el esposo/a abusador/a La ley no lo pone como requisito. Antes de tomar una decisià ³n sobre abandonar el hogar o permanecer en à ©l hay que pensar sobre si se corre peligro viviendo en la casa. Y tambià ©n sobre la credibilidad de una persona que dice que su cà ³nyuge la abusa, pero sigue conviviendo con ella. Recordar una vez mà ¡s que la ley no impone nada en este punto. Hay personas que aguantan mucho y continà ºan viviendo con el abusador porque tienen miedo, o por los hijos, etc, y eso no quiere decir que no està ©n de verdad siendo maltratadas. Divorcio Es posible solicitar una green card por VAWA incluso en los casos en los que el matrimonio ha acabado en divorcio. Pero en estos casos es necesario que la solicitud se envà ­e antes de que se cumplan dos aà ±os a contar desde la fecha en la que se dictà ³ el divorcio. Por ejemplo, si una persona se divorcià ³ (fecha final) el 3 de enero de 2015, tiene de plazo para solicitar hasta el 2 de enero de 2017. LGBT En los casos de matrimonios gays, de lesbianas, bisexuales o transexuales (LGBT, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), las và ­ctimas de violencia domà ©stica tienen las mismas opciones de proteccià ³n que en los supuestos de matrimonios entre un hombre y una mujer. Buen carà ¡cter moral La và ­ctima ha de tener buen carà ¡cter moral, ya que segà ºn la ley ese es un requisito para que la peticià ³n pueda ser aprobada. Ingreso ilegal a EE.UU. Las leyes migratorias impiden, con carà ¡cter general, arreglar los papeles dentro de EE.UU. a las personas que ingresaron ilegalmente. Sin embargo, hay excepciones por cuestiones humanitarias y el caso de VAWA podrà ­a calificar para ello. A tener en cuenta Estos casos son complicados y, si no se hace bien, hay un riesgo real de que acabe mal desde el punto de vista migratorio (con una deportacià ³n). Este artà ­culo no es consejo legal, ya que cada caso es un mundo y hay circunstancias especiales que lo hacen diferente a otros parecidos. Es por ello que es realmente importante contar con un abogado de inmigracià ³n experto en este tipo de casos. Estos son unos consejos sobre cà ³mo elegirlo y estas son organizaciones que pueden ayudar o dar referencia de buenos letrados a precios asequibles. Vivimos en los Estados Unidos de Amà ©rica. Nadie tiene derecho a abusar de otro ser humano, y mucho menos, de su esposa o esposo. En caso de peligro, sentimientos de abandono, necesidad de ayuda legal o de vivienda de acogimiento provisional no dudar en llamar a la Là ­nea Nacional de Violencia Domà ©stica: 1-800-799-7233. A cualquier hora del dà ­a o de la noche. Cualquier dà ­a de la semana. Atienden en 170 idiomas, incluyendo por supuesto el espaà ±ol y tambià ©n lenguas indà ­genas de las Amà ©ricas, para las personas que prefieren utilizar su idioma materno. Ademà ¡s, los  mexicanos, cualquiera que sea su estatus migratorio, pueden marcar gratuitamente al telà ©fono de la CIAM donde brindan excelente informacià ³n, ayuda y referencias.   Por à ºltimo, es conveniente estar informado sobre quà © es el asalto sexual y cuà ¡les son los derechos de las và ­ctimas y dà ³nde pedir ayuda y tambià ©n cuà ¡les son las consecuencias migratorias para victimarios. NOTA IMPORTANTE: en estos momentos la aprobacià ³n de nuevos fondos econà ³micos para este programa està ¡ en suspenso, en espera de su re-aprobacià ³n por el Senado. Esto quiere decir que se puede seguir presentando aplicaciones nuevas en base a VAWA sin embargo, las asociaciones de apoyo a los migrantes ya no tienen tanto dinero para apoyar a las và ­ctimas y hay un retraso notable en la aprobacià ³n de los beneficios por parte de USCIS, porque no tiene personal suficiente para atender a todas las peticiones. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Positions of Blacks in the Civil War and Emancipation Essay

â€Å"Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letters, U.S., let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pockets, and there is no power on earth which can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship in the United States. The quote mentioned above was proclaimed by African American abolitionist Frederick Douglass, and served as motivation for African Americans to enlist in the Union’s Army efforts and take an initiative in their future. With President Abraham Lincolns issue of his Preliminary draft of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, the Civil War developed to be a war to ultimately save the union and to abolish slavery. Blacks overall played a substantial part in the victory of†¦show more content†¦The Republican Party prepared an anti-slavery proposal but Lincoln had no true intention of interfering with slavery as a whole and believed slavery was a state issue and every state should control its own loy alties to it. But as far as expansion, â€Å"Lincoln was ready to negotiate on every aspect of slavery except the idea of permitting expansion of slavery to new territory†, 1 and many southerners felt that there was no longer a place for them in the Union. In December of 1860, South Carolina became the first state to seceded from the union and create their own country. â€Å"In six months, ten more states would secede from the Union (Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, and Arkansas)† 2 and February 9th of 1861, utterly marked the organization of the unions counterpart, the Confederate States of America, commanded by Jefferson Davis who served as the president. During this time African Americans served as an underlying issue to the civil war but personally there seemed to be little apprehension about their actual development and progression in society. Initially, Negroes’ attitudes and contributions to the Civil War and their desire for freedom were major factors in their struggle with white America. Obviously, there were various circumstances that described African American lifestyles; being broken down to North vs. South or Freed slaves vs. Slaves, but the mainShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of The Black Union Army1481 Words   |  6 PagesBenefits of the Black Union Army-Did Blacks Receive Equal Treatment? Introduction The black union army is a term commonly used to refer to the black men of African American origin who were mostly recruited into the American army as a consequence of the civil war between the northern and southern states. This war came to an end with the surrender of the nonfederal forces in 1865, after a fierce battle that had started three years prior with the firing on Fort Sumter. As a result racial of discriminationRead MoreIn What Way the African Americans Shaped the Course and Consequences of the Civil War? 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During the year 1860, slavery was one of the biggest problems in america. Abe Lincoln, president at the time, was against slavery. During the civil war Abe was referred to as â€Å"The Great Emancipator† (NationalRead MoreThe Great Emancipator By President Abraham Lincoln947 Words   |  4 Pagesoffice, President Abraham Lincoln led the country through the Civil War, he is most known as being responsible for the abolishing of slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation, thus giving him the nickname of â€Å"The Great Emancipator.† Technically speaking, the Emancipation Declaration did not actually abolish slavery in itself, rather it led to the 13th Amendment, which did end slavery in January of 1865. At brief glance, the Emancipation Proclamation’s sole purpose appears to be a humanitarian effortRead Mo reThe Civil War : Opposing Slavery1139 Words   |  5 PagesBefore the Civil War: Opposing Slavery â€Å"By 1860, the South contained more slaves than all the other slave societies in the New World combined’ (Roark, 331). Slavery was the backbone of the American Southern states’ economy, a highly controversial topic, and eventually the cause of the American Civil war. Even before the Civil War, there were many American groups who opposed slavery. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Night Creature Hunter’s Moon Chapter 9 Free Essays

â€Å"What did you do?† Jessie whispered. The clearing was awash with blood. There were body parts all over the place. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 9 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The very air was still, not a twitter from the birds. I had a hard time tearing my eyes from the sight. It reminded me of home. I flinched and turned my back. No, not home. There the blood had shone crimson beneath electric lights. The bodies had been human. Here the blood had dried to brown beneath the morning sun. Nothing to be afraid of. No similarity at all. No reason to hyperventilate. â€Å"Leigh?† â€Å"I shot them. That’s all.† â€Å"Then what happened?† I forced myself to look at the clearing again. The sight bothered me less and less. I could admire the pure fury and amazing strength it must have taken to do such a thing. I’d often wished I could kill them more than once. Someone, or rather something, had. I inched closer. My foot squished in the blood-drenched grass. I grimaced. It was going to be a little hard to make a bonfire out of this mess, but I’d manage. I continued around the circle, observing, cataloging, for all the good it did me. I knew there’d been nine dead wolves. But now it didn’t appear as if there was enough left to make one. â€Å"What happened last night?† Jessie continued to speak softly. I understood the need. The clearing was a haunted place. Something wasn’t right. I could feel it, and she could, too. Quickly I told her about the hunt, leaving out the reason I’d been driven to kill, leaving out my mocking shouts and kamikaze behavior. Some things were on a need-to-know basis, and she didn’t need to know. However, when I got to the part about the brown wolf, she interrupted me. â€Å"Are you sure he was a werewolf?† â€Å"Of course. Why?† â€Å"I just wondered how real wolves react to werewolves.† â€Å"They don’t like them.† â€Å"Enough to do this?† She jerked a thumb at the mess. I frowned. â€Å"No. Real wolves usually turn tail and run. They sense werewolves aren’t like them; they’re other. Wolves are a lot of things, but dumb isn’t one of them.† â€Å"Do you think the brown werewolf did this?† I considered the idea. That the werewolf had killed another was strange enough. I found it hard to believe he would go berserk and eat nine of his own kind, but anything was possible. This was, after all, a werewolf. â€Å"He could have.† â€Å"Why didn’t you kill him?† Jessie asked. I’d been asking myself that since last night. I only had one excuse, and in the light of day, in the light of what we’d found in the clearing, it didn’t sound very convincing, but I told her anyway. â€Å"Your boyfriend said maybe they want us to kill them.† â€Å"You couldn’t remember that before you played out your Terminator fantasy?† I shrugged. â€Å"Oops.† Jessie snorted. I think she was starting to like me. It took us the better part of the afternoon to erase the evidence of whatever had happened in the clearing. The J-S accelerant got the fire going despite the mushy nature of the ground. Jessie and I made sure no sparks ignited the surrounding dry grass or lush trees. As we waited for the last of the embers to die, Jessie spoke. â€Å"He ate them.† Since she was stating the obvious, I didn’t bother to answer. â€Å"This is too weird for me,† she continued, â€Å"and when werewolves start acting weird – â€Å" â€Å"Werewolves are weird by definition.† â€Å"True. But they have their behavior patterns, same as real wolves. They might be human on one side of the moon, but on the other they’re animals, and animals that behave unpredictably mean trouble.† She’d get no argument from me. â€Å"We need to talk to Will.† â€Å"Maybe you do, but I think I can manage a few more hours without him.† â€Å"Funnier and funnier,† she muttered as she headed back toward the bar. There were already cars in the parking lot when we emerged from the forest. â€Å"A regular gold mine,† I observed. â€Å"What’s the attraction?† â€Å"Can’t say.† â€Å"And you thought this would be a good place for me to stay why?† Jessie shrugged. â€Å"You hunt at night, so the noise won’t bother you. It’s quiet during the day, when you sleep, and so busy, no one’s going to notice you coming and going. If they do, they’ll be too drunk to care. Or at least drunk enough to easily convince they didn’t see anything at all.† Though I hated to admit it, she’d chosen well. As we got in her car, Cowboy got out of his, a huge Cadillac that appeared too big for his body. But then what wouldn’t? He limped toward the door. I hadn’t noticed a limp last night. Maybe his boots were too tight. â€Å"Who’s that?† Jessie asked. â€Å"Cowboy.† â€Å"So that’s Cowboy.† She watched him until he disappeared inside. â€Å"He’s on my watch list.† 1 blinked. â€Å"Of werewolves?† â€Å"Troublemakers. I have to at least pretend to perform the job I was hired for.† She started the car and performed a wide turn that brought us around the back of the tavern. My gaze was captured by Damien’s cabin, then by a flicker of white in the trees behind it. He emerged from the forest, fully clothed for a change, and leaned against the corner of the building. Our eyes met. He lifted his hand. My chest tightened as my belly danced with an excitement I hadn’t felt for far too many years. I was in big trouble if the mere sight of him got me all hot and bothered. I needed to be very, very careful about how I handled Damien Ftizgerald and my inexplicable lust for him. Jessie hit the gas and took off down Good Road at a steady clip. My teeth clicked together, narrowly missing my tongue as she flew over an incline. I forced my mind away from Damien, not an easy task, and back to our stalled conversation. â€Å"What did Cowboy do that got him on the Crow Valley troublemakers list?† â€Å"He’s a fighter. I’d say classic Napoleon complex, but that would be too obvious. He likes to get drunk and kick ass, but he’s not particular about whose ass he kicks – man, woman, child, dog, he’s an equal opportunity Napoleon.† Note to self: Stay away from Cowboy. We reached Main Street and Jessie headed toward her apartment. I’d seen the town in the evening. I hadn’t been impressed. By day, Crow Valley wasn’t so bad. Clean, charming even, with necessary businesses and frivolous shops coexisting side by side. â€Å"Coffee,† I said in a desperate voice as we zoomed past the coffee shop. â€Å"You don’t want their coffee. Prissy latte crap at three bucks a pop?† I turned my head and sighed as the coffee shop receded. â€Å"Baby,† she sneered. â€Å"You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Cadotte’s coffee. If you’re nice, I’ll have him make you some.† â€Å"An earring wearer and a coffee maker, be still my heart.† Her eyes narrowed. â€Å"I said be nice.† â€Å"I don’t think I know how.† â€Å"Learn.† She stopped the squad car in front of the police station. â€Å"I just have to check in.† â€Å"Isn’t that what this is for?† I tapped the car radio. â€Å"When it works.† Now that she said that, I hadn’t heard even a flicker of static from the radio during the entire drive, let alone any call for One Adam Twelve. She disappeared into the station. Curious, I followed, stopping so suddenly just inside that the door hit me in the ass. â€Å"I’ve stepped into The Andy Griffith Show,† I blurted. The sheriff’s office resembled the one in Mayberry. Desk, jail cell, telephone, filing cabinets. I half-expected Otis to be sleeping on the military-issue cot. Jessie looked up from her desk and scowled. â€Å"Be thankful. Hardly anything ever happens here.† â€Å"Except the odd werewolf attack.† â€Å"There is that.† â€Å"And Cowboy’s Napoleon complex.† â€Å"That, too.† She pushed the button on her message machine. You have no new messages. â€Å"See?† she said. â€Å"No dispatcher? No deputy?† â€Å"If anyone needs me, they call my cell phone or they leave a message. No need for a dispatcher.† For some reason, that comment made her sad. â€Å"And Barney Fife?† I asked. â€Å"Elwood Dahlrimmple.† â€Å"You’re kidding.† â€Å"I wish.† She rubbed her forehead. â€Å"He’s been here since†¦ the stone age maybe. His hands shake more than a leaf in a windstorm.† â€Å"And you let him carry a gun?† â€Å"Not with any bullets in it.† She was serious, and suddenly pretending to be with the Department of Natural Resources didn’t sound so bad. â€Å"Can’t you fire him?† I asked. â€Å"I mean, you are the boss.† â€Å"Now why would I want to fire Elwood? Everyone knows him; they love him. They try not to cause problems while he’s on duty.† â€Å"And he’s too out of it to question what you’re up to.† â€Å"Bingo. I don’t need help being the sheriff of a town of four hundred.† â€Å"If they were just people.† â€Å"Now you’re catching on.† â€Å"Which is where I come in.† â€Å"Never said you weren’t smart.† Actually, I thought she had, but I wasn’t going to bring that up. â€Å"Let’s go to my place.† Jessie was already at the door. â€Å"How do you know Will’s there?† â€Å"Where else would he be? He’s got work to do.† She turned out to be right. Will was home, sitting at the kitchen table, surrounded by papers and books. More were strewn across the floor. His computer was up and running, printing pages even as he muttered and pecked at the keys. His glasses were on top of his head; he squinted at the screen; a pencil rested behind each ear. What a geek. I glanced at Jessie just in time to catch the dopey look of love cross her face. I slammed the door. He jumped; she scowled. â€Å"Honey, I’m home!† I called. Will smiled, stood, and came toward us with his hand outstretched. â€Å"Leigh, nice to see you.† I wished I could say the same. I stared at the long vicious scratch on his forearm, then lifted my gaze to the overly large bandage on his neck. My mind went back to last night – the werewolves battling, biting, bleeding. The next thing I knew, my gun was pointed at his chest. How to cite Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 9, Essay examples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Tourism Development at Clipper Bay-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Tourism Development at Clipper Bay. Answer: Introduction Clipper Bay is the town which is in rich aesthetic value and has mesmerising view of mountains and seas. It has clusters of unique limestone caves with numerous rock pool formations. As rest of the country is modifying, local government of the town wants to revitalize economy of the town for this purpose it has allocated the budget of $50 million. This report includes a prospective plan on tourism development as an effective measure to revitalise the economy of the town. Tourism planning can be described as blue print that analyses the need of the people planning the trip. Accordingly it provides direction and focus for the local tourism industry, community, businesses and government (Mason, 2015). Tourism planning consists of both positive and negative environmental aspects, socio- cultural aspects and economic impacts. Tourism planning has major effect on the local community of the town, it brings to them various advantages and disadvantages. Sustainable planning done in consultati on with various stake holders reduces the disadvantages to some extent. Sustainable tourism planning can be defined as planning to develop tourist in such a way that it minimises negative impacts and maximises positive impacts on socio- cultural and ecological environment (Edgell, 2016). How to revitalize the economy of Clipper Bay with the help of relevant stake holders Tourism is an important tool for economic development. It is an important source to develop tax revenues, sources of job and urban revitalization (Mowforth Munt, 2015). The development of tourism sector includes involvement of stakeholders such as government, private sector enterprises and local communities. The management of all the stakeholders is very essential to build a sustainable tourism development plan (Sautter Leisen 1999). To revitalise economy of Clipper Bay there is a need of sustainable planning. This can be done by taking few steps. Identify the potential areas that can be developed. In Clipper Bay fishing industry and tourism industry are two major areas that can help to revitalise economy. Developing tourism sector will be a better choice because it will lead to development of various other areas such as sightseeing activities, water sports activities, authentic sea food cooked by the locals, hand weaved products by women, infrastructure and transportation. Developing of tourism sector will also indirectly lead to the development of fishing industry because the demand for fish and fish products will increase as more tourists will visit the place. The next step is identifying the stake holders for Clipper Bay. The stake holders for the town include government, environmental agencies, communities, cultural heritage industries, private enterprises, visitors and tourism organisations. It is always im portant to discuss the tourism planning with the local communities because this development will enable to attain both planning- oriented and community- oriented objectives. The tourism development in the particular area will affect the quality of life of the local community. Therefore it is very important to ensure that interest of local community is safeguarded while planning the tourism development of a particular area. If the local community is not in the favour of the developments that had been planned, it will adversely affect the planning and neither planning objectives nor community objectives will be achieved, so it is always better to discuss the plan with the local community of the area. Just discussing the plan with communities is not enough; the next step is involving people throughout the process. This could be done by community meetings, interviews, advisory committees, residents feedback, visual mapping, pictorial or photographic illustration. Another thing that is t o be done is identifying the key issues at Clipper Bay. The key issues at Clipper Bay are unfertile land, no job opportunities other than fishing and less developed roads. These issues need to be resolved with the help of various community members. The next thing is making projections or estimations, to allocate $50 million fund that is provided by the government. A budget should be made that clearly outlines how much amount should be distributed to each activity. At last proper and systematic implementation of plan is required. ROI Analysis Return on investment (ROI) can be described as a measure of efficiency of an investment. It measures the associated benefit with various kinds of direct investments. Formula for the same is (Gain from investment Cost of investment)/ Cost of investment (Phillips Phillips, 2006). For Clipper Bay ROI will be calculated by summing revenues for the state, less state expenditure and dividing it by state investment or expenditure. In tourism industry there are various kinds of returns that stakeholders expect form the tourism development. The returns that shareholders expect from development of tourism at Clipper bay will include monetary benefits, community development, maintenance of historical places, protection and promotion of cultural values, development of infrastructure, better transportation facilities and development of trade in the area. Government of Clipper Bay has allocated an overall budget of $50m to vitalize the economy and most promising industry that holds the potential to be developed is tourism. Development of tourism will include the investment in building roads, transportation activities and development of natural tourist spots. Major proportion of the funds will be allocated to infrastructure development. All this will help to generate monetary benefits and therefore supporting the economic revitalisation of the economy. The investment on various sectors will also give various not monetary returns like transport, trade and infrastructure development. This will enhance the cultural values and learning among the local community and ultimately resulting into community development. Therefore the return on investment that is expected in Clipper Bay is high. Infrastructure Clipper Bay is moving ahead for the tourism development but the city lacks basic infrastructure. The town does not have well developed roads, housing facilities, restaurants and hotels. The residents of Clipper Bay do their laundry task by the sea. Infrastructure is the key to development for any industry or place. Physical infrastructure is the backbone of developed economy (Ascher Krupp, 2010). Keeping this thing in mind government is taking initiatives to build a highway, so that the place becomes easily assessable. The infrastructure development should be done in a sustainable manner because travel is an important educational tool that can stimulate the maintenance of natural and cultural heritage for the future generations. Better roads are needed, to develop the transportation facilities for the place. The place has an advantage that it is at the tip of peninsula and situated by the sea. The sea can establish link of the town with various other places. Water transportation facilities can be developed for the place. Mobility ensures access to markets, schools and hospitals it will help in developing the local community of the town. If the place has good transport facilities it will attract more tourists. For the community government needs to build common laundries. The next thing for developing tourism of the town is construction of hotels, resorts, entertainment activities places and beach sports activities. This can be done by attracting private enterprises for investing in the place. Infrastructure development will encourage tourist to the place and provide job opportunities to the local community members. This will ultimately result in revitalising the economy of Clipper Bay. Along with infrastructure development, the government should make sure that all this development do not exploit the natural resources, social, economic and ecological processes of the town that are important for human equity, diversity and functionality of natural systems (Yigitcanlar, 2010). Economic advantages and disadvantages of developing tourism in Clipper Bay Advantages Tourism sector develops various other sectors (UNWTO, n.d.): Developing of tourism will include development of various other sectors in the Clipper Bay. This will include development of roads, hotels and transports. Tourism industry attracts various tourists in the town and also various businesses will be required to cater the needs of tourists. The increase in demand for various things will lead to development of various sectors. Overall development will boost up economy of the country. It can provide opportunities for various small businesses (Othman Rosli, 2011): Development of tourism industry will provide opportunity for various small and medium enterprises to set up their businesses at Clipper Bay. These opportunities can be hotel food supply, room cleaning services, handicrafts, child care services, garbage collection services and repair maintenance services. These opportunities will also encourage local communities to come up with their own small scale business. Improving balance of payments between nations: Developing of tourism sector will encourage foreign tourist to the Clipper Bay. Thus it will enable the town to earn foreign exchange. It will ultimately result in improving balance of payment of the country. Provides income and employment to communities in formal and informal sector: Development of tourism will generate various employment opportunities at Clipper Bay in both formal and informal sector. This will generate income for local community members. Sources of various tax revenues for the government: Developing tourism at Clipper Bay can help government to earn various tax revenues. Disadvantages Low paid and seasonal jobs: Tourism sector is labour intensive but it provides seasonal and low paid jobs. Every place has a particular favourable season to visit; the number of tourist is very high during that particular season and very low during the other seasons. Thus it is the disadvantage associated with tourism sector at Clipper Bay. A lot of capital expenditure required: Proper development of tourism sector at Clipper Bay will require lot of capital expenditure from the government. In order to develop the tourism sector various other sectors are needed to developed, major of which is infrastructure sector and this requires huge capital expenditure. Location can become over dependent on tourism: Development of tourism industry at Clipper Bay can increase the dependency of the location on tourism. People will be able to earn only through tourist and have to face difficulties in case there are no or very less tourists. They will not have any other alternative option to earn their living. Socio- cultural advantages and disadvantages of developing tourism in Clipper Bay Advantages Force of peace: Tourism increases movement of people form one place to other. If people will come to visit Clipper Bay this promotes understanding of culture, traditions and lifestyle of the place. This understanding encourages sympathy and mutual understanding towards each other. Thus tourism will act as an important vehicle for peace (Isaak, 2014). Cross cultural Appreciation: Cross cultural appreciation will promote cross cultural knowledge, awareness and sensitivity among different communities. Tourism at Clipper Bay will lead to generation of interest of tourist in local art and crafts thus promoting arts and crafts of the town. Improved lifestyle and practices: Development of tourism will promote learning. People from Clipper Bay will learn from culture of others and others will learn from the culture of Clipper Bay. This learning will result in improving lifestyles and practices of the community. It is the result of demonstration effect. Growth opportunities for cooking culture of the place: From the case study it is seen that women folks of the town have specialisation in cooking authentic sea food. Development of tourism will promote spreading of this culture. Disadvantages Cultural erosion: Cultural erosion means bringing changes to the original things, cultures or traditions due to the commercialisation of things (Zaidan, 2016). For example- Commercialisation can bring changes according to tourist demands in authentic food of Clipper Bay. It can also bring changes to the festival celebrating style of the town. This cultural erosion will ultimately lead to loss in the original cultural values of the place. Violation of spiritual norms of the community: Every community have some spiritual norms it is not always necessary that visitors also respect that tradition (DeMott, 2017). Violation of spiritual norms can be done intentionally by the tourist as they do not hold same respect for spiritual norms or sometimes it is done unintentionally as they are not aware of the those norms. Thus development of tourism may lead to violation of the spiritual norms of the communities at Clipper Bay. Cultural clashes: Residents of different places have different cultures and traditions. Development of tourism encourages cultural exchange and this cultural exchange can sometimes result into contradictions or clashes among different cultures (Yang, Ryan, Zhang 2013). It is possible that the cultural values of tourist that visit Clipper Bay contrast with the cultural values of the local community of the town, this may result into cultural clashes between the visitor and local community members. Development of tourism at Clipper Bay can result into cultural clashes with the members of different nations. Increase in criminal activities: Tourism development can lead to increase in criminal activities in town. These criminal activities can be illegal selling of drugs, theft, and cheating the tourists. This is because some people seek for an opportunity of easy earning from the tourist. This may adversely affect the peaceful atmosphere of the place. Environmental advantages and disadvantages of developing tourism at Clipper Bay Advantages Helps to generate funding to maintain natural sites: Tourism industry will help to generate funds. The funds can be generated by imposing tickets and entry charges on the naturally beautiful sites. These funds can be utilised by the local governments for maintenance of the natural beauty of the Clipper Bay. Environmental awareness rising: Tourism industry can turn to be an effective tool for spreading environmental awareness among the tourists for sustainable tourism activities. At Clipper Bay environmental awareness can be spread by informing the tourist about various environmental hazards that can be potential result of various tourist activities. Disadvantages Depletion of natural resources: Excessive tourism at Clipper Bay can lead to depletion of natural resources such as air and water. It can also lead to land degradation. It creates pressure on local resources such as food, energy and other raw material. Pollution: Pollution can be of different types like air, water and noise. Air pollution can be defined as presence of toxic chemicals in the air that are dangerous for health (Boubel, Vallero, Fox, Turer Stern 2013).When tourism development takes place it leads to an increase in the transportation. Various factors that contribute to air pollution are rail, road and air transportation and emissions from the industries. Water pollution means presence of toxic chemicals in water that make it unfit for consumption (Kneese, 2015).If the tourism is developed it will lead to increase in the number of motor boats, ships and wastage. All this will release toxins and chemicals into the sea and ultimately cause water pollution in Clipper Bay. Noise pollution is defined as excessive level of noise that may harm the normal human or animal life (Murphy King 2014). Increase in number of tourism will result into more noise due to parties and celebrations ultimately resulting in noise pollution for the town. Solid Waste and Littering: Waste disposal will be a major problem for Clipper Bay if it develops it tourism sector. Waste littering will not only degrade the natural beauty of the place but it is also a life hazard for marine animals. Depleting the aesthetic value: Aesthetic value of the place will be degraded if more number of tourists visits the place. It will be developed according to the tourist requirements and this will ultimately harm the natural beauty and natural climate of the Clipper Bay. Deforestation: As we have read in the case study that Clipper Bay has a small population of people and most of its land is covered by forest. Deforestation is an activity to cut down trees for the sake of development (Miller Spoolman, 2014). Developing tourism sector in Clipper Bay will require development infrastructure. This will result in heavy deforestation in the place. Conclusion It can be concluded that tourism development in Clipper Bay holds potential for economy revitalisation. Clipper Bay needs an effective tourism development plan with consultation from local communities and other stake holders. The expected return on investment from tourism development in the town is high and thus tourism seems a potential option to invest in. The tourism development will have various economic, socio- cultural and environmental implications on the town. The major positive benefit from this development is monetary benefits for different stakeholders this will ultimately be helpful in economic revitalisation of the town. The major negative implication will be environmental hazards. The increase in tourism activities will lead to increase in pollution levels and waste disposal problems this will adversely affect the environmental sustainability. To overcome this issue the development should be done in such a way that environmental sustainability should be taken into consi deration. The government has allocated the fund of $50 million for the revitalisation of economy. It needs to ensure that funds are distributed properly among various activities so that they are effectively utilised. To ensure the overall efficiency of the tourism plan all the pros and corns related to the various aspects need to be analysed and issues needed to be resolved. References: Ascher, W., Krupp, C. (Eds.). (2010).Physical infrastructure development: balancing the growth, equity, and environmental imperatives. Springer. Boubel, R. W., Vallero, D., Fox, D. L., Turner, B., Stern, A. C. (2013).Fundamentals of air pollution. Elsevier. DeMott, B. (Ed.). (2017).Perspectives by Incongruity: First of the Year. Routledge. Edgell Sr, D. L. (2016).Managing sustainable tourism: A legacy for the future. Routledge. Isaak, R. (2014). 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